Biotelemetry • GIS • Drones • Field Research
If you have a project—large or small—that involves the tracking of animals, Biotelemetry Consulting can help you map out your approach from beginning to end.
We can assist you with selecting the best technology (or compatible technologies) to meet your research goals, even if we do not offer that technology directly. Having been in this business for more than 25 years, we know what capabilities exist in the industry, and in what sizes. We are familiar with new tools that may be under development, and we know who to ask about them.
- VENDORS—We can provide valuable insight regarding the many choices you face, such as which technology tools companies can provide, along with their respective (approximate) prices. Furthermore, we can identify the pitfalls to avoid and the techniques for avoiding them (such as feather cover or icing), depending on your target species, transmitter mounting methods, approaches, and materials. We can also recommend vendors for such things as VHF transmitters and receivers, tiny GPS tags, geolocators, drop-off mechanisms, GPS GSM cellular devices, GPS GSM UHF devices, GPS UHF devices, GPS loggers, satellite transmitters (including Iridium, Argos, and Globalstar), camera traps, trap transmitters, etc.
- HARNESSING AND ATTACHMENT TECHNIQUES—Regarding harnessing/attachment techniques and materials for different species types, we can provide insight on the following: bird backpacks; neck collars; leg mounts; leg loops (Rappole); feather mounts; shell mounting for turtles; ear tags; tessa tape/ glue; implants/subcutaneous anchor; parrot collars, wildlife collars, and ear tags.
- CURRENT STATE OF THE ART—We can suggest what kinds of data can be achieved and how it can be used for wildlife research and management. This includes: GIS and remote sensing data from satellites and aircraft (and drones); precision and accuracy of various technologies/techniques; size and weight or each type of transmitter (and potential uses and limitations for each); VHF transmitters and receivers; acoustic tags; satellite tags; geologgers; cellular tags; UHF field downloadable tags; drones today; future developments; Icarus; Argos Asic chipset; smaller devices (i.e. how small can they go); cell phone industry advances contributing to biotelemetry; and the future role of drones.
We can also recommend field researchers for hire to assist you. Contact us today to learn more!